The volcanic landscape of the island of Lanzarote serves as the dramatic backdrop for the AMBUSH® SS22 campaign, photographed by Harley Weir and styled by Carlos Nazario.
Key to the SS22 campaign is the idea of a “retro-future romance,” marrying AMBUSH® creative director YOON’s nostalgia for various eras of art and fashion to her forward-thinking outlook. This season, the designer takes the campaign on a journey outside the AMBUSH® house and garden, just as the vision increasingly establishes a whole AMBUSH® universe, both real and digital.
Nostalgia meets modernity, and nature collides with nurture on this wild and otherworldly AMBUSH® journey.
AMBUSH® SS22 COLLECTION is on sale at AMBUSH® WORKSHOP locations and AMBUSH® WEB SHOP from February 14, 2022.